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The product of a number x and 0.28 is 13.44 **Answer:** \[x = 48\] **Step-by-Step Solution:** 1. **Write Down the Equation**: …
Which distance measures 7 units? **Answer:** **4.the distance between points M and P.** **Step by Step Solution** T…
6.24159 rounded to the hundredths place? **Answer:** **$6.24$** **Step by Step solution** 1. **Identify the Hundredths and Th…
How many pattern block rhombus(es) would 10 trian… **Answer:** 10 triangles can create **5 rhombuses.** **Step by Step Solution** **S…
Round 625166.91718 to the nearest hundred. **Answer:** \(625200\) **Step-by-Step Solution:** 1. **Identify the Hundreds and T…
how many percent corresponds $P_{25}$ if you will… **Answer:** **25%** **Step by Step Solution** **Step 1:**If $P_{25}$ is interprete…
Magan invested 790 dollars in an account paying a… **Answer:** Magan would have approximately \$228 more in his account than Angel after 7 year…
triple the quotient of 2 1/4 and 5/8 **Answer:** Fraction: $\frac{54}{5}$ Decimal:$10.8$ **Step by Step Solution:** …
is 27.64 equivalent to 27 and 16/25 explain **Answer:** Yes, $27.64$ is equivalent to 27 and 16/25. **Step by Step Explaination:*…
2 Mrs. Sanchez asked her students to lassify the … **Answer:** I disagree with Ryan's assertion that 0.63591 is irrational because it does not …

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